The Group Nomination and Remuneration Committee (GNRC) is primarily responsible in evaluating and making decisions pertaining to remuneration, compensations and benefits of the Board Members and the Senior Management (Directors and above) of the Company. This would include the principles and criteria used for evaluation of performance upon request of the Group Chief Executive Officer.
The GNRC shall have a minimum of 3 members of the Board of which a majority comprise of Independent Directors, with at least one (1) BNM Nominated Director or one (1) Bank Nominated Director. The GNRC shall be chaired by an Independent Director.
Under responsibilities of GNRC:
The GAC oversees matter relating to audit, financial reporting and internal financial controls of PayNet. The GAC coordinates with management and auditors (interna, external and BNM) to monitor the accounting policies and principles used and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The GAC shall have a minimum of 3 members of the Board, of which a majority shall comprise of Independent Directors. The GAC shall be chaired by an Independent Director.
The responsibilities of the GAC are as follows:-
Financial Reporting
Integrity Unit
The GRC plays a key role in overseeing and advising the Board on matters relating to current and potential risk exposures, risk appetite and tolerance, future risk strategies and promotion of risk awareness culture in PayNet.
The GRC shall have a minimum of 3 members of the Board, of which a majority shall comprise Independent Directors. The GRC shall be chaired by an Independent Director.
The responsibilities of the GRC are as follows:-
Risk Management and CISO Office
The Group Board Rules Committee (GBRC) evaluates and makes decisions pertaining to the rules and service standards that govern the payments eco-systems and financial market infrastructures operated by PayNet Group. The GBRC plays a pivotal role in ensuring that PayNet Group’s payments, cash and securities services are offered consistently, reliably and in accordance with stipulated service standards across all participating financial institutions and payment institutions.
The GBRC shall have a minimum of 3 members of the Board, of which a majority is appointed from among the Independent Non-Executive Directors. The Chairman of the GBRC is a Non-Executive Director from Bank Negara Malaysia.
Approve Issuance of Rules
Approve Governance Framework for Rules and Compliance
Monitor Compliance to Rules
Review and monitor both participants and PayNet’s compliance to Rules where applicable, imposition of penalties for non-compliance.
The PayNet Group Management Committee (PGMC) is the decision making body of the Company. PGMC is responsible for formulating procedural policies and making decision for day-to-day operations, management and administrative issues based on delegation of all powers, authorities and discretion by the Board.
The PGMC’s responsibilities shall include but is not limited to the following: